Aims and Objectives
The Alpine Club of Pakistan aims at achieving following :-
- Cultivate mountaineering and outdoor culture amongst the nature lovers and interested persons, specially youth by providing facilities for climbing, mountaineering and mountain related activities.
- Promote and organise mountaineering expeditions either singly or in collaboration with other mountaineering organisations /clubs/climbers from abroad.
- Organise training in mountaineering, rock, snow/ice climbing, Sports climbing, ski-ing and trekking and for other Club activities.
- Organise training for liaison officers, high altitude porters, mountain and trekking guides and for other disciplines of mountain related activities.
- Organise and participate in rock, ice, Sports climbing competitions, ski-ing and trekking championships /tournaments, both at home and abroad.
- Organise trekking trips and summer/winter camps for intrested youth and club members.
- Facilitate visiting expeditions by providing liaison officers and other required support.
- Advise and provide co-ordination on mountaineering and mountain related matters.
- Maintains liaison with governmental, non-governmental and sister organisations at home and abroad for promotion of mountain related activities.
- Represent Pakistan and safeguard its mountaineering and climbing interests at UIAA, UAAA, IFSC and other international forums.
- Undertake measures for the preservation and protection of the environments of the mountain areas independently or in collaboration with governmental or non-governmental organisations.
- Maintain archives, prepare and provide information and data on mountains and mountain related activities in Pakistan.